The NHTSA's figures often change as more data becomes available. The following statistics are estimates and subject to fluctuation. Pennsylvania Drunk Driving Statistics (2011) But even if the numbers change with time, the lesson remains the same – drunk driving claims lives.In 2011, Pennsylvania experienced a decrease in drunk driving accidents.Alcohol-related crashes fell from 12,426 to 11,805.There were 428 drunk driving deaths in Pennsylvania in 2011.26 percent of drunk driving deaths in 2011 were in the 16-20 age group.

In 2011, alcohol-related deaths were 33% of the total traffic deaths, nearly the same as in 2007, 20.On average each day, 32 crashes alcohol-related crashes occurred in 2011.Additionally, 1.2 persons were killed and 23 persons were injured on average each day in Pennsylvania in 2011 because of an alcohol-related accident.Nationally, alcohol-related deaths declined in 2010 by 4.9%.Pennsylvania & National Drunk Driving Accident Statistics (2010) In 2010, there were 12,426 alcohol-related vehicle accidents in Pennsylvania, which was a decrease from 2009 (12,712).However, they still made up 31% of the overall traffic fatalities in 2010. In 2010, there were 459 fatalities that involved alcohol in Pennsylvania - an increase from 449 in 2009. One-half (50%) of deaths ages 21 to 25 were drinking drivers, up from 44% in 2009.Nearly one-third (31%) of driver deaths ages 16-20 were drinking drivers, which is an increase from 2009.They accounted for 35% of all traffic collision deaths. The majority of alcohol-related crashes occurred when it was dark, usually on the weekends.Nearly three-fourths (72%) of drinking drivers in crashes were male.In 2010, 459 people died in alcohol-related crashes.The 26-30 age range improved to 45%, down from 51% in 2009.